Monday, September 30, 2019

Climate Change Effect on Polar Bears

Climate Change Effects on Artic Polar Bears Kenneth Halvorsen COM/156 09/30/2012 Jocelyn Henson Climate Change Effects on Artic Polar Bears Climate warming and ecological changes have caused a significant threat to the declining population of polar bears in the Arctic which is affecting human habitats Polar bears, the largest of the terrestrial carnivores, live on the Arctic ice for the majority of the year. The icy habitat allows polar bears to hunt for their primary prey – seals. The powerful species’s survival completely depends on their ability to use ice for feeding and breeding.Some of the highest degrees of global warming effects have been on the polar regions of the world. Scientists around the globe are in agreement that such effects of greenhouse gases produced mainly through human induced emissions have resulted in an increase of the earth’s surface temperature. The continued denial concerning global warming could result in the complete polar bear exti nction. Unquestionably, the beautiful species’s future depends on the protection of the arctic environment: its pollution levels, indigenous peoples hunt and total loss of ice.So, what should be done, if anything, to save the polar bear habitat? To begin analyzing the issue, let’s first discuss some of the delicate specifics of polar bear habitat and environment requirements which are critical for survival. Polar bears, as the largest of the bear family, must sustain enough food and accumulate enough body fat to keep those alive during the ice free period. They need to consume at least five pounds of seal blubber per day to stay healthy. Also, as they are the largest land predator in the world, bears live on the ice in locations where it is viable to hunt for seals which are their primary prey.Yet, they will also hunt Artic fox. They have been known to eat birds, reindeer, rodents, fish, or even the carcass of a dead whale. Strong swimmers, the bears roam over the vast expanses of sea ice while paddling with their front legs and using their rear legs as a ruder hunting for ringed seals, bearded seal, and occasionally beluga whales and even walrus. Polar bears have no natural predator and have no fear of man which makes things dangerous for both. There are few animals that will attack a man unprovoked yet, the polar bear is one that will actually hunt down humans and eat them.The problem begins where studies show that climate warming is creating a much shorter duration of time for sea ice and, therefore, is extending a later freezing in fall as well as early ice break-ups during summer. These changing conditions have shown seal depletion and a decline in the polar bears population. The average annual extend of ice has exceeded 1 million square kilometers. With over 40 percent decrease within the past 30 years of the ice coverage the population of polar bears has been substantially threatened (U. S. Fish and Wildlife Services, 2008).This and other climate change factors have affected the species’s food supply chain. Polar bears population growth in general is extremely slow and fluctuates in response to natural factors, the major one of which is their prey ability. The bears need to maintain a high level of body fat, especially for the females in order to have healthy cubs. Nutritionally stressed, the mothers are being greatly affected by the rising sea levels in the marine regions with the most pronounced temperature increases. An increase in polar bear sightings have been reported near human settlements during the open water period in recent years.For example, Inuit hunters have reported an increase in bear population because of an increase in sightings near their villages. This has led to more hunting tags issued. Such observations are misleading and the increased sightings should be related to the fact that the bears are seeking an alternative food source. Additionally, offshore drilling for oil and shipping have t hreatened polar bears status. Years of data from satellite imagery as far back as 1970 shows a decrease in population and poor body conditions surrounding the populations of bears near Western Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay.These two populations are more likely decreasing and not increasing. As these populations decrease the continued problematic interaction with man will most likely continue and could very well increase, as the bears seek alternative food sources through the extended summer months (Stirling, Parkinson, Sep. , 2006). Scientists have very specific ways of tracking the earth’s temperature. The world’s temperature is constantly monitored from land-based weather stations and ocean buoys. They also use tree rings, coral reefs, and ice cores. The evidence shows the earth’s temperature is increasing.Three main source possibilities could be responsible for the increase in global warming: the sun, the earth’s reflectivity, and greenhouse gases. All thr ee have been studied carefully, and the only one that matches up to the data is levels of greenhouse gases. The more fossil fuels we burn the higher levels of greenhouse gases (Environmental Defense Fund, 2012). The polar bears’ survival completely depends on their ability to use ice for hunting, and some of the highest degree of global warming effects has been on the polar regions of the world.Fortunately, with technological advancements researchers are now able to follow individual bears over a long period of time and collect valuable data on the species’s habitat concerns. The greater understanding of population trends and dynamics allows scientists worldwide to provide critically important data that will further assist in environmental management decision. â€Å"Studies show a significant decrease in polar bear populations from 1984 through 2004 near the western coast of Hudson Bay and in the community of Churchill, Manitoba, Canada† (Regehr, 2010).The level of human presence and recent commercial activities in the Artic, such as oil spills and contaminants, shipping and hunting have exposed polar bear population to higher risks and, as a consequence, have increased this species’s habitat food stress. Now, as much as one-third of the world’s polar bears are facing extinction. Interestingly enough, multiple social groups believe that there is no reason for panic and some of the data used in polar bear population decrease is false. The controversial opinions are opposing to the entire fact of global warming and climate change with explanation of political tricks on consumers.Additionally, a large number of scientists and distinguished engineers disagree with the fact that an immediate and drastic action is needed to protect polar bear species’s survival and control of global warming impacts. Environmental campaigners suffered a major blow in 2009 when emails stolen from computers at the University of East Anglia were leaked and were hailed by critics as evidence of scientists attempting to suppress evidence that contradicted the idea of man-made climate change. An inquiry into the scandal failed to find any evidence of malpractice by the scientists and a review of the science also ound it to be sound, although the findings were met with claims of bias from skeptics. â€Å"The science has become stronger and stronger over the past five years while the public perception has gone in completely the other direction (Gray, 2012). â€Å"A recent BBC poll found that 25% of British adults did not think global warming was happening† (Gray, 16. 2012). Nevertheless, polar bears have been listed as threatened by the U. S. Federal Government, Department of Fish and Wildlife Service in May 2008). Accordingly, one of the highlights in mitigation measures and species habitat preservation was a formation of PBSG membership.In 1973 The International Organization called Polar Bear Specialist Group has nego tiated and executed an Agreement of the Conservation of Polar Bears. (IUCN Species Survival Group, 2012). The meetings are held in Greenland every 3 to 5 years with the emphases on advancing the principles of the Agreement. As a result of the recently conducted series of meetings in June 2001 a working group has been assigned and funded to expend the knowledge on the essential life functions of polar bears and other marine animals.Such evaluation of the species’s immune and hormonal systems would significantly improve the continued efforts of humanity in preserving the Artic environment. These and many other initiatives remain to be under development status. However, the progress is being noticed and is pleasantly acknowledged. Multi-discipline mitigation measures must be addressed by the upcoming generation of human policy makers. Among multiple models of polar bear population and habitat features one can clearly notice an inevitable and non-reversible threat to important sp ecie of the world’s largest bear.Therefore, understanding of the climate change and a greater precision in making management decision must remain being a worldwide concern. Neither the five countries of PBSG membership bound by a 1973 treaty discussed above no the American Environmental Protection groups themselves would succeed with this uneasy task of polar bear habitat preservation without a worldwide cooperation. References Ellis, R. (2009). On thin ice: The changing world of the polar bear. Knopf. Environmental Defense Fund (2012). Climate Change Impacts. Retrieved from: http://www. edf. org/climate/climate-change-impactsIUCN Species Survival Group (2012). IUCN/SSC Polar Bear Specialist Group. Retrieved from pbsg. npolar. no Gray, R. (2012, October). Climate Scientists Are Losing The Public Debate on Global Warming. The Telegraph. Retrieved from: www. telegraph. co. uk Kuhn, M. (2010). Climate Change and The Polar Bear: Is The Endangered Species Act Up To The Taks? Alask a Law Review, Vol 7. , Issue 1, p. 125-150, 26p. National Geographic Society (2012). Polar Bear Ursus maritimus. Retrieved from: http://animals. nationalgeographic. com/animals/mammals/polar-bear Peacock, E. , Derocher, A. E. , Thiemann, G. W. , Stirling, I. (2011).Conservation and Management of Canada’s Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) In A Changing Artic. Canadian Journal of Zoology. Regehr, E. V. , S. C. Amstrup, and I. Stirling (2006). Polar bear population status in the southern Beaufort Sea. U. S. Geological Survey, Alaska Science Center, Anchorage, Alaska. USGS Open-File Report 2006-1337. 20 pp. Regehr, E. V. (2010). Climate Change threatens polar bear populations. Ecological Society of America. Stirling, I. , Parkinson, C. L. (2006). Possible Effects of Climate Warming on Selected Populations of Polar Bears (Ursus maritimus) in the Canadian Arctic. Artic Vol 59, No. 3, p. 261-275.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Imitation Essay

I am not a singer or a dancer. I cannot break it down on the dance floor or sing a sweet melody. I am not one who can feel the rhythm of the music and move my body in sync with it. I cannot entice someone with the power of my voice. I am a texter. And by that definition, I am someone who has always loved communicating without speech. I can send a 160 character text message in 15 seconds or less. I can communicate all my thoughts and feelings through emoticons (smiley faces) and tlas (three letter acronyms. ) I spend a great time thinking about what acronyms I can use. Does this make since with that? How can I communicate with people faster? The way texting can create an emotion, a visual image, or create a complex fraise into four short letters. Texting is the tool of my trade. Recently I was made keenly aware of the different ways I communicate texting. I was talking to my mom when I discovered this, and observed that I was texting my mom completely different from the way I was texting my girlfriend. And I was texting my girlfriend completely different then how I was texting my friends. When I was texting my mom I was saying things like, â€Å"I don’t know. I’ll ask my teacher about it tomorrow at school,† and â€Å"I will call you when we are coming back home†-a text filled with grammatical correct writing and the forms of the English language that you are supposed t o use in an English classroom. Breaking down fraises was not a part of how I texted my mother. Just, today I observed how I text my girlfriend and I again found my differentiating of my texting. I found myself saying, â€Å"dats koo Iw2g :-P† (that’s cool. I want to go. ) My girlfriend did not see any change in my text message. And then I realized that this was because I often used the same kind of language with her, and sometimes she uses it with me. It has become a different kind of language that kind of language that relates to family talk. When I text my friends I have to use only the common tlas that everyone knows, such as idk (I don’t know), because when I use all the acronyms I know, some say that the understand eighty percent to ninety percent of it, while some people say the understand fifty percent of what I have to say. So when I spoke to my friends my language tended to be plain, simple, but also sophisticated in the way that some fraises were shorten. When my mother looked at me text my girlfriend for the first time in her life, she was completely bewildered and could not read a single line. Because of this I always thought my mother as a little slow, when it came to texting, and that she would never understand the language and the understanding of the English language that you can get from it. Fortunately, for reasons I want get into today, I realized that if all I did was text in the language that I used with my girlfriend then she would eventually learn the art of texting and how it creates a new kind of language. By hours of learning my mom, and also some of my friends, soon discovered how they could reveal their intent, their passions, their imagery, the rhythms of their speech, and the nature of their thoughts, through long tlas. I know I succeeded where it counted when my mother finished reading one of my texts and gave a reply saying â€Å"So easy to read. † I am a texter. I read, I think, I question, I text. I appreciate language.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

2009 Chrysler Fiat Strategic Alliance

The company had no choice but to look for a partner. During this process, Chrysler explored the possibility of a tie-up with GM, Ford, Volkswagen, Tata Motors, Nissan and Fiat. Eventually Chrysler decided on creating a strategic alliance where Fiat agreed on taking a 20 percent stake in Chrysler. In the next five years, the tie-up may increase Fiat’s ownership of Chrysler to 35 percent. Both companies show compatibility in their product portfolios, global operations, and technology sharing areas. Case ObjectivesThe primary objective of this case is to analyze and discuss Chrysler’s 2009 strategic alliance with Fiat and its current and future prospects. Issues that are at the helm of this tie-up are technology sharing, global integration, quality control, and reorganization of brand portfolios. Students need to look at the intricacies of strategic alliances between two or more companies as well. As of May 2009, Chrysler is going through its Chapter 11 and corporate restructuring in the U. S. The company continues to shrink in terms of its manufacturing and global operations.Suggested Teaching Approach and Student Assignments Since the case is timely, it is recommended that class discussions should be based on the companies’ histories and their evolutionary growth (see Tables 2 and 3). Also important are topics such as strategic alliances, auto industry’s technology platforms, and brand portfolios. The questions included in the case for class discussion will require Web-based and library research on the part of students. It is recommended that the instructors provide a supplementary list of references on the auto industry (see: WardsAuto. om, JDPower. com, Automotive News, Google Search, Business Source Complete, Hoovers. com, Reuters. com, Value Line, Standard Poor’s Industry Surveys, etc. ). This will help students to be fully prepared for the case. Finally, students should be encouraged to visit Chrysler, Fiat, and other auto manufacturers’ Web sites before discussing this case in the classroom. Discussion Questions Answers Question 1. What are your views of the 2009 Chrysler-Fiat strategic alliance and its future prospects in the auto industry? Question 2. Analyze and evaluate Chrysler and Fiat’s strengths and weaknesses before and after their 2009 strategic alliance. Question 3. Compare and contrast Chrysler and Fiat with five other global auto manufacturers (GM, Ford, Toyota, Volkswagen and Daimler) in the areas of global operations and manufacturing issues. Question 4. Analyze Chrysler and Fiat’s brand portfolios in the world auto industry. How do you see both companies revamping and overhauling their brands in the short- (1-2 years) and long-terms (5-6 years). Question 5. What did you learn from the Chrysler-Fiat Strategic Alliance regarding managing multinationals in the changing global business? Case Analysis The Chrysler-Fiat strategic alliance will provide a meaningful opportunity to both companies regarding dealing with survival and expanding their markets in Europe and North America. As of 2009, it is evident that the companies are off to a good start. Both firms have marketable brands in their market segments but lack a collective effort. The case is a good example in the area of cross-border alliances that take place between two or more companies.Since 2008, Fiat has actively sought a partner in North America because of the attraction of the market. This is also attributed to the auto industry’s consolidation, restructuring, and cost-cutting activities. Chrysler and Fiat ended up seeking an alliance because of their compatibility, product portfolios, and markets. In Chrysler’s case, the main motive was to seek a partner who could help strengthen its financial problem regarding new technologies, markets, and quality standards.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Debates on obamacare Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Debates on obamacare - Term Paper Example According to this act, approximately 44 million Americans are currently unable to access health insurance. The aim of Obama care is to help this people get health insurance by expanding Medicare and Medicaid. From this sense, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the motivational factor behind this document and not the American Constitution (Pipes 29). The Act established that every citizen has a right to Health Care as a public good, not an asset and thus the U.S health care system must aim at fulfilling the following principles. Universality where each American has the human right to access health care and accountability as the first priority in the responsibilities of the U.S government. Equity, which provides that all the benefits and contributions be distributed fairly to develop a system that favors everyone (Pipes 45). Reasoned arguments for government programs to ensure that everyone has access to affordable health care Utilitarianism provides that promotion of welfare is  the most important, and that the society should be organized in such a way that would best obtain individuals' well being. It justifies the huge redistribution of wealth to the poor. Futilitarians do not consider historical facts to be important, but their influence on justice verdicts are derived purely from what the future holds for people. Utilitarianism gives equal weight to the interests of each individual, so that burdens may be placed on the one with greater benefits. To shy away from this fact is to give more priority to the lesser important issues at the expense of the greater ones, which is to treat the former citizen's interests as more essential as compared to the latter's. To them, justice calls for equal concern for everyone, which in turn requires the kind of weighing and balancing between a life’s applied by the prudent person in accepting a current cost for the sake of a greater, future benefit (Pipes 48-9). From a utilitarian view, Obama care is a ben eficial policy since it is an improvement of earlier laws and it is aimed at increasing the total utility and happiness in the state. In earlier years, the American government did not provide that insurance companies justify the rise in prices, which was a huge opportunity for private companies to exploit citizens and charge very high premiums for insurance policies. The new law of Obama care will ensure that the government implements its "exchange option," subsidize health insurance for a number of them, and require insurance companies to announce publicly and justify any increases to premiums of over ten percent. This will enable a closer look into the operations of the actions of a company, leading to reasonable prices and a higher quality of health care providers. Apart from decreasing the prices, Obama care will offer more extensive and accessible Medicare and health care to those people who could not afford it in prior times. If health care is made available to many people, th en there will be a possibility of regular health care that will bring about happiness and utility. As much as a libertarian would consider that Obamacare restrict the freedom of American citizens and thus is no better than the earlier law, which put forward that the unhappiness of the minority would

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Market - Essay Example The mobile phone is an advanced form of the Samsung Galaxy S3. It is also a differentiated product of the rival mobile phone company, Apple. Of late, Samsung has positioned itself to take over the market for manufacture of smart phones. The company has been innovative because they were among the first to manufacture smart phone. A smart phone is a mobile phone that is built on a mobile operating system that has more advanced capability of computing and connectivity as compared to the common feature phone (Tidd, 1997). The phone is made up of very special features that make it different from other smart phones and, thus more preferred by many people. Such features include owner recognition ability, high processing speed; a screen that is only recognizes the owner and finger prints identification ability. Industry and market structure of Samsung Galaxy S4 Samsung operates in the telecommunications sector. This is because the company manufactures gadgets used for communicating, such as mobile phones, laptops, tablets and smart TV’s. Samsung Galaxy S4 itself is used to exchange messages, telephone calls, and emails. This phone in a competitive market because there are other smart phone companies, for example, Apple, Techno, LG, Nokia and Alcatel. However, Samsung has been more innovative thus has gained a competitive advantage over these other companies because it has managed to differentiate its products from other rival products. Samsung Company has warehouses in many locations in the world. The major locations are China, Singapore, Japan and India. The most productive of all these firms is located in China. China has the largest population in the world that supplies cheap labour to the Samsung firm in China. The population is also well equipped with the latest manufacturing technology that ensures materials are not wasted. In addition, China has all the minerals that are required to manufacture the several parts of this phone. All these cheap deals put Sa msung at a competitive advantage. In addition, China enjoys cheap electrical energy from coal and nuclear power. This combination of cheap overheads makes the final product cheap compared to those of the rival companies (Urban, 1980). Samsung Galaxy S4 can also be said to be in a competitive market because it experience competition from other electronic companies that produce communication gadgets. For example, companies that manufacture laptops are in competition because they all access internet and used to achieve other communication purposes (Tidd, 1997). The phone is also in competition with iPhone, iPod and tablet companies, thus it is experiencing true competition. Elasticity of Samsung Galaxy S4 Samsung Galaxy S4 is a special product because its demand rises despite the high price. The smart phone is bought, especially, by those with high disposable incomes. However, it is also bought as a product to show off especially by people who do not have enough disposable income. The product was made with target customer being the well off in society but many have acquired it because of its versatile nature (Urban, 1980). The product, therefore, experiences complete elastic kind of demand. Elastic kind of demand has very little or no effect on, especially price of luxuries such as Samsung galaxy S4. Therefore, the price of the phone remained constant despite competition from Apple, Nokia and LG. Laws of supply and demand have affecting production and pricing of Samsung Galaxy

Epidemiology and communicable disease Assignment - 1

Epidemiology and communicable disease - Assignment Example The first case of Ebola outbreak was recorded in Sudan and Zaire in 1976 with a mortality of more than 200. In 2000, another outbreak of the disease occurred in Uganda with an incidence of 425 and a mortality of 224. In 2014 March, the WHO made a report of Ebola outbreak in West Africa, originally in Guinea, but rapidly spreading to Sierra Leon and Liberia. In Europe, 24 cases of Ebola infection have been treated with most of the cases being aid workers who have a history of traveling to West Africa. In November 2014, the latest case of Ebola in US was recorded with the victim dying within three days during the treatment process at Omaha biocontainment center (Muyembe-Tamfum et al., 2012). Ebola epidemic increases the disease burden in the health care system not only to the affected country but also to other states, which must take contingency measures to prevent the spread of the disease within their regions. Nevertheless, management of Ebola virus demands a collaboration in the health care system at international level. This ensures that different countries coordinate efforts to conduct research and surveillance on how the disease can be treated and prevented. Collaboration at a global stage can be achieved through harmonization of funds and human resource from different countries to engage the disease at the Centers of outbreak before it is transmitted to other regions (Preston,

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Culture and organisation (HR related) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Culture and organisation (HR related) - Essay Example Hagan (1996) postulates that globalization has not only altered the nature and the intensity of competition but has had to dictate and shape organizations in terms of what consumers wants, how and when they want it and what they are prepared to pay for it (Hagan 1996:1). Arguing in the same light, Kanter (1995:71) on his work of "Mastering Change" stipulated that success in the present day business is not for those companies trying to re-engineer the way they do things, or for those fixing the past (Kanter 1995). To the researcher, trying to fix the past will not be an adequate response. Kanter rather argues that, success is based on an organisation's ability to create, rather than predict the future by developing those products that will literally transform the way the world thinks and view it self and the needs (Kanter 1995:71). Today, it has become quite eminent that, businesses and firms no-longer compete as individual companies but try to corporate with other businesses in their activities (Wu & Chien 2007:2). For example, the much sing song conventional vertical integrated company based business model is gradually being replaced by collaborative relationship between many fragmented, but complementary and specialized value stars and constellation (Wu & Chien:1). This paper examines the human resources challenges and cultural problems Mitsubishi Corporation currently face in the light of the global financial crisis. The paper is divided into four sections. Section one of the paper provides a brief overview of the activities of Mitsubishi Corporation. Section two of the report discusses the central issues to be addressed in this report. Section three presents the central problem and issues, while the last section of the paper suggested applicable solutions and improvement based on the problems identified in the first section. This section also presents pertinent recommendation and a way forward for Mitsubishi Corporation. 1.1 Overview of Mitsubishi Corporation Activities Mitsubishi Corporation is a Japanese based general trading Company with over 200 bases of operations in about 80 countries (Report 2008). According to the company's Report (2008), it activities are diverse and can be classified under seven business groups; industrial finance, logistics and development group, energy and business group; metals group; Machinery group, Chemical group and Living essentials group company (Report 2008). 2.0 Justification and Theoretical Framework to conduct this study According to Dwyer & Kemp (2000), organizational culture is a tool in the management strategic armory which appears to be invisible yet it influences "why" "how" "what" and "when" things are done in an organization (Dwyer & Kemp 2000) in other words "it is the way things are being done here" (Johnson 1992:28, Johnson & Scholes 1997:66). It has been argued by Dwyer & Kemp (2000) that most traditional approach to organisational strategy ignores an important and powerful

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The importance of recycling water to prevent polution Essay

The importance of recycling water to prevent polution - Essay Example er areas within the environment (Onsola, Para 3). Water has a wide range of importance, and that is advocated to recycle it in order prevent pollution. Recycling of water is a significant gesture in the present world and for the coming future generations. Water recycling provides a wide range of environmental benefits that are imperative for living. Measures of water recycling facilitate decrease on the extraction from available sources, which supports of habitats. In circumstances where water sources have been endangered through over extraction such as in forests many animal lives have been put into high risk. This proves the importance of water in the environment and also the side effects that have the capability to arise once issues have not been fixed (Onsola, Para 5). Recycling of waste water has been proved to be effective in decreasing the rate of discharge of effluents, which have a high capability of polluting the ecosystems of sensitive and imperative bodies of water. These measures have continued to score high especially in circumstances whereby various forms of life depend exclusively on water for consumption. Recycling of water has also a wide range of f8importance in terms of creating totally new wetlands and in at the same time facilitating quality of life to the existing creatures. Recycling of water has also proved to aid in cushioning of the deteriorating global warming. This is an essential approach since global warming is a serious phenomenon that affects all living forms in a large negative manner (Putatunda, Para 5). Preventing of water pollution is everyone’s responsibility, and it is under this scenario that many organizations have been taking corporate social responsibility activities of minimizing water pollution. This has a close connection with the wide range of importance’s that have been attached to water. However, every living creature cannot do without consumption of water, and this tends to explain the importance of this

Sunday, September 22, 2019

An advertisement of children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An advertisement of children - Essay Example Children’s advertisers do certainly shape children’s understanding of the world, but not outright, and not all at once, rather, they analyze what it is the children already like, and then reinforce that through their marketing. The â€Å"Lego Friends† advertisement being studied in this essay is a perfect example of this. â€Å"Lego Friends† is a new type of Lego targeted towards girls, that, unlike original Lego, is not modular – you cannot build things not intended by the designers. It is more like Barbie than like Lego, in this way. This advertisement shows an incredibly well developed appreciation of the desire of young girls to relate to older girls, and to develop into fully grown women, through implied narrative, and the characters being sold. As mentioned previously, marketers have long found it necessary to attempt to understand their audience before making an advertisement. According to Eric Schlosser, marketers targeting children have to go to perhaps even more extraordinary lengths to â€Å"learn about their tastes† (Schlosser 225). Marketers â€Å"not only conduct surveys of children in shopping malls, they also organize focus groups for kids as young as two or three †¦ they advertise children’s artwork, hire children to run focus groups †¦ host slumber parties† and engage in a whole range of other activities to understand exactly what children want. And this advertisement demonstrates this fully. appeal to children. It opens with two girls making a heart symbol together with their hands. This immediately launches into an implied narrative of togetherness that children find appealing – the â€Å"best friend forever† narrative. This simple motion indicates to the children that they will be together forever. More than this best friends forever narrative, there is a more complex narrative underlying it. There is a subtle age difference constructed between the two girls – the left

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Need for Educators Essay Example for Free

The Need for Educators Essay The American Nurses Association (ANA) states nursing is the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations,† (ANA, 2012). However, what happens when there are not enough nurses to care for humanity? For many years now there has been a significant nurse shortage, rendering this topic the focus of myriad studies which scrutinize, analyze, and reanalyze the cause, effect, and solutions for this crisis (Webber, 1994). According to author, Hinshaw, (2001) â€Å"The shortage of nursing faculty is interwoven with the current national shortage of nurses,† (p. 1). The article, A Continuing Challenge: The Shortage of Educationally Prepared Nursing Faculty, highlights a number of factors which contribute to the shortage of nursing faculty, and the direct impact these influences have on the nationwide nursing shortage. There are several factors this article is successful in examining. Similar to the nursing shortage itself, the aging baby boomer population, now seeking retirement, is one of the main causes for increase in nursing faculty shortages (Hinshaw, 2001). Thus there is an exodus of retiring nursing professionals leaving the workforce and not enough new nurses to replace them, filling their positions. Additionally, this article brings to light an issue often neglected in realizing among nurses. â€Å"The other major problem is not only that nursing faculty are aging, but the average age for assistant professors is also increasing due to nurses entering academia later in their careers. This means that their time for potential productivity as leaders and scholars is being curtailed,† These issues necessitate an even higher demand for nursing faculty and an increase in availability for students within nursing education programs. Fang, Wilsey-Wisniewski, Bednash, (2006) assert that that over 40,000 qualified nursing applicants were turned away in the 2005-2006 academic year from baccalaureate nursing programs due to a lack of masters and doctoral qualified faculty, and that this number was increased over 9,000 from 32,000 qualified but rejected students from just two years earlier Hinshaw states. â€Å"Several other factors contribute to this dilemma: increased number of opportunities within the profession, along with non-competitive salaries in academia in relation to a major financial investment in doctoral education, and also the high expectations for academic positions,† (2001). Nurses who receive graduate and advanced practice degrees, possess the academic preparedness and credentials, which allow them more professional choices. Among these choices are administrative, entrepreneurial, clinical research, and academic positions. Furthermore, other nursing positions mentioned offer significantly higher financial compensation and render faculty salaries non-competitive, (Hinshaw, 2001). â€Å"The average annual salary for an associate professor of nursing with a masters degree is nearly 20 percent less that the average salary for a nurse practitioner with a masters degree, according to the 2007 salary survey by the journal ADVANCE for Nurse Practitioners† (Congress, 2009). Currently there are several strategies that have been reviewed, to alleviate the nursing shortage dilemma, for example; â€Å"Federal and private support for experienced nurses to enhance their education† (Hinshaw, 2001). In 2009, The Nurses Higher Education and Loan Repayment Act was established, offering a graduate degree loan repayment program with hopes for enticing nurses to become nurse educators. Such federal incentives are attempts to reduce the disparity of ratios between nurse educators and nursing students. Strategies for phasing and transitioning, has been another suggestion described in this article. â€Å"This author has found this a valuable strategy for retaining important expertise to have available to the junior faculty while showing respect (and remuneration) for the senior faculty involved,† (Hinshaw, 2001). One suggestion to propose would be more flexibility in scheduling for working nurses to continue their education. Many facilities desire their nurses to advance their studies, but fail to provide them with a more flexible schedule. This is a deterrent with many nurses and had been a large issue with me transitioning in going back to school. In final analysis, this article is thought provoking, and addresses key causes, effects, and possible strategies needed to resolve the nursing shortage dilemma. Numerous strategies are outlined in depth, and written in a clear, concise manner enabling full reader comprehension. Hinshaw encourages her audience to face the factors involved in this current nursing crisis, and for nursing professionals to consider the possible strategies they can participate in, and assist in implementing for this decade. It is important to inform the public of the issues that essentially effect everyone. Furthermore, educating the public, provides them with the information needed to make informed decisions when voting, and supporting certain health care policies.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Pulsed Radio Frequency Energy as Physical Therapy

Pulsed Radio Frequency Energy as Physical Therapy CHAPTER V DISCUSSION Many adults with vascular disease and/or diabetes suffer with chronic leg or foot ulcers, leading to loss of functional ability, poor quality of life and long term ill-health. Studies on patients with chronic leg ulcers have reported the average duration of these ulcers is around 12-13 months, around 60-70% of patients have recurring ulcers, 24% of patients are hospitalized because of the ulcers and most people suffer from the condition for an average of 15 or more years. Care for chronic wounds is reported to cost 2-3% of total health care spending in developed countries and these costs are set to rise with ageing populations. Treatment in the U.S. costs over 3 billion $US and the loss of over 2 million workdays a year. Similarly, Harding quotes a cost of  £400 million each year in the U.K. In Australia, wound dressings are the second most frequent procedure in General Practitioner practice and chronic wound care accounts for 22-50% of community nursing time in the UK and Australi a (Edwards et al.,2013). In addition to direct health care costs, chronic wounds are associated with hidden burdens on the community resulting from loss of mobility, decreased functional ability, social isolation and loss of participation in the workforce and society (Price and Krasner, 2012). The use of pulsed radio-frequency electromagnetic field (PEMF), also termed pulsed radiofrequency energy (PRFE) therapy has shown notable success in healing of chronic wounds. PEMF is a non-ionising energy at the shortwave radiofrequency band of the electromagnetic spectrum, commonly at a frequency of 27.12MHz. Since the introduction of PEMF  Ã‚  Ã‚   in the 1950s, clinical studies on healing of chronic wounds and surgical recovery, as well orthopaedic studies have documented PEMF as a successful clinical therapy. PEMF therapy is none invasive and is delivered through the wound dressing, and to date has shown no unwanted side effects. With positive reports in the literature documenting PEMF as an effective therapy, its wider adoption as an adjunct therapy seems warranted (Rawe,2012). The measurement of wound dimension is an important component of successful wound management. Monitoring changes in wound area allows assessment of treatment efficacy and early detection of stasis or deterioration. The photographic method is an accurate alternative to digital planimetry system (Visitrak TM ) for measuring wound area. The photographic method is a more appropriate technique for clean and uncontaminated wounds, as contact with the wound bed is avoided (Chang et al.,2011). This study investigated the efficacy of pulsed radio frequency energy as physical therapy modality in the treatment of chronic lower limb ulcers through reducing wound surface area (WSA) and wound volume. The findings of this study indicated significant decrease in WSA after treatment in both groups A and B (P