Friday, April 17, 2020

The Convergence of the Twain by Charles Yancey

The Convergence of the Twain by Charles YanceyThe Interval's Interlude for The Convergence of the Twain by Charles Yancey is an anthology of essays featuring some of the best writing from authors across the world. It is an impressive read that demonstrates the consistent success of some of the best authors, including Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell's Rafe Spall and The Convergence of the Twain's Lois Lowry.Before I begin, I must acknowledge the interesting side that The Convergence of the Twain is a major work by Charles Yancey. Most of the essays in this book are by more prominent writers that many readers might not know about. But the opinions expressed in these articles are extremely well thought out and written, and they paint a realistic picture of a lot of contemporary life in both the UK and USA.As a matter of fact, this theme has been with us since the first half of the twentieth century. Yet, in the last few years the ratio of reality has increased. Now we live in a world wher e images seem to be everywhere, even if it is on the screen. In such a world, the essays on The Convergence of the Twain help to make sense of the world that we find ourselves in.When I began this article, I was considering some of the topics I had read in the essays on The Convergence of the Twain. One topic was about death. Many writers express their views about the afterlife. However, how do we cope with death when we are only a short time away from it?Many people who read this article may consider themselves religious or non-religious. What are some of the ways in which you cope with death and dying? This topic also comes up in several other essays as well.One of the most exciting issues in The Convergence of the Twain is how to deal with anger, particularly when one feels deeply hurt and betrayed. All good writers can clearly express their feelings about a situation that makes them feel angry, hurt, or betrayed.Also, there are many common themes in the essays. One of the main t hemes is that of forgiveness. How do we understand and reconcile our past and create a new future?A number of themes can be found in The Convergence of the Twain. One theme that comes to mind is that of reconciliation, but what happens when we have failed to forgive?

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